File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
▼ kubos-core | |
▼ arch | |
k_uart.h | UART interface |
▼ modules | |
▼ fatfs | |
diskio.h | |
fatfs.h | |
ff.h | |
ffconf.h | |
integer.h | |
▼ fs | |
fs.h | |
▼ sensors | |
altimeter.h | Sensor API for altitude and barametric pressure readings |
bme280.h | BME280 Temperature, Humidty and Pressure Sensor |
bno055.h | |
htu21d.h | HTU21D Temperature and Humidity Sensor |
imu.h | Sensor API for inertial measurement unit (IMU) readings |
sensors.h | |
temperature.h | Sensor API for temperature and humidity sensor readings |
aprs.h | APRS parsing module |
ax25.h | AX.25 module |
gps.h | GPS interface module |
klog.h | Logging module |
nmea.h | NMEA parsing module |
k_alloc.h | Buffer Allocator Wrapper |
k_alloc_csp.h | CSP Allocator Implementation |
k_alloc_malloc.h | Stdlib Allocator Implementation |
k_buffer.h | Messaging Buffer Wrapper |
k_debug.h | Debug-header |
k_log.h | System logging header |
k_msg.h | Messaging layer |
k_test.h | |
utlist.h |