File Transfer Service

The file transfer service is used to transfer files between the mission operations center and the OBC. It may also be used to transfer files between a developer’s system and the OBC when in a development environment.

The service provides file transfer functionality by implementing the file protocol. The file protocol is UDP-based which means a connection is required between the OBC and ground segment capable of transferring UDP packets. This should be established using a standard network connection.



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state "Receive Message" as Receive
state "Export Request" as Export
state "Import Request" as Import

[*] --> Receive
Receive : Process transaction request from client

Receive -down-> Metadata
Metadata : Save file metadata information
Metadata --> Done

Receive -left-> Export
Export : Prepare to receive file from client
Export --> Receiving

state Receiving {
    state "Chunk Message" as Chunk
    state "Success" as Receive_Success
    state "Failure" as Receive_Failure
    state "Wait" as Receive_Wait
    state "ACK" as Receive_ACK
    state "NAK" as Receive_NAK
    state "Timeout" as Receive_Timeout

    [*] -down-> Verify
    Verify : Check file status

    Verify -right-> Receive_ACK : All chunks received
    Receive_ACK : Send ACK message to client
    Receive_ACK --> Finalize

    Verify -left-> Receive_NAK : Some chunks missing
    Receive_NAK : Send NAK message to client

    Receive_NAK --> Receive_Wait
    Receive_Wait : Wait for chunk data from client

    Receive_Wait -down-> Chunk
    Chunk : Save chunk data
    Chunk --> Receive_Wait

    Receive_Wait -right-> Receive_Timeout
    Receive_Timeout : Increase timeout counter
    Receive_Timeout -up-> Verify : Counter < limit
    Receive_Timeout --> Finalize : Counter >= limit

    Finalize : Re-assemble chunks and verify integrity

    Finalize --> Receive_Success : Hash verification passed
    Receive_Success : Send success message to client
    Receive_Success --> [*]

    Finalize --> Receive_Failure : Hash verification failed
    Receive_Failure : Send failure message to client
    Receive_Failure --> [*]
Receiving --> Done

Receive -right-> Import
Import : Prepare to transmit file to client

Import --> Initialize
Initialize : Import file into temporary storage and calculate hash

Initialize --> Transmit_Failure
Transmit_Failure : Send failure message to client
Transmit_Failure --> Done

Initialize --> Transmit_Success
Transmit_Success : Send success message to client with file metadata
Transmit_Success --> Transmitting

state Transmitting {
    state "Success" as Transmit_Success
    state "Failure" as Transmit_Failure
    state "Wait" as Transmit_Wait
    state "ACK" as Transmit_ACK
    state "NAK" as Transmit_NAK
    state "Timeout" as Transmit_Timeout
    state "Send Chunk" as Send

    [*] --> Transmit_Wait
    Transmit_Wait : Wait for file status message from client

    Transmit_Wait --> Transmit_ACK
    Transmit_ACK : Receive ACK from client
    Transmit_ACK --> [*]

    Transmit_Wait --> Transmit_NAK
    Transmit_NAK : Receive NAK from client
    Transmit_NAK -up-> Send

    Send --> Send : For all missing chunks
    Send : Send chunk data message to client
    Send -left-> Transmit_Wait

    Transmit_Wait --> Transmit_Timeout
    Transmit_Timeout --> Transmit_Wait : Counter < limit
    Transmit_Timeout : Increase timeout counter
    Transmit_Timeout --> [*] : Counter >= limit

Transmitting --> Done


The file transfer service listens for requests on its configured UDP socket.

When a message is received, it is then processed using the file protocol message engine. This logic keeps track of the current state of each client connection and takes the appropriate action depending on the current state and the particular message received.

Actions may also be taken if the service experiences a timeout while waiting for a follow-up message from a client. For example, if a client initiates an export operation and then stops communicating while in the middle of sending file chunks, the service will timeout, check the current status of the file, and then send a NAK to the client with the current missing chunks. Receiving this NAK should cause the client to resume transmitting file chunk data.


This timeout is currently hardcoded to two seconds. It will be a configurable option in a future release.

In order to support simultaneous client connections, whenever a message is received on the main UDP socket, a new socket is spawned in order to handle the rest of the transaction. As a result, after sending the initial import or export request, the transfer client should listen for a reply and then use the new socket as the destination for future transmissions.


The file transfer service has several configuration options which may be defined in the system’s config.toml file:

  • [file-transfer-service]

    • storage_dir - Default: “file-transfer”. The directory which should be used for temporary storage of file chunks. Note: The directory will be created if it does not already exist.
    • timeout - Default: 2. The length of time, in seconds, for which the service should wait for new messages from the client once a file protocol transaction has been started
    • chunk_size - Default: 4096. Each file is broken up into equally sized chunks prior to transfer. This option specifies the size of those chunks in bytes.
    • hold_count - Default: 5. The number of times the protocol waits for a new message before ending the transaction.
    • downlink_ip - Required The IP address that the file service responds to.
    • downlink_port - Required The port that the file service responds to.
  • [file-transfer-service.addr]

    • ip - Specifies the service’s IP address
    • port - Specifies the port on which the service will be listening for UDP packets

For example:

storage_dir = "my/storage/directory"
timeout = 3600
downlink_ip = ""
downlink_port = 8000

ip = ""
port = 7000

Future configuration options:

  • Maximum number of timeout-retry attempts
  • Non-default destination IP/port

Running the Service from KubOS

The Kubos Linux distribution (as of v1.3.0) ships with the file transfer service installed and configured to run on boot. This can be verified by booting the KubOS system, running the ps command and looking for the file-service process. If the service is not running then it can be started like so:

$ /etc/init.d/S90file-service start

Running the Service from Source

The file transfer service can also be run from source if required. The source is located in the folder kubos/services/file-service in the KubOS source repo. The service can be started like so:

$ cd kubos/services/file-service
$ cargo run -- -c config.toml

The service will look for the given config.toml file in order to get the needed configuration options.

Communicating with the File Service

Users should establish a ground-side client which implements the file protocol in order to transfer files over their communications device.

Kubos provides an example file transfer client to allow users to learn and experiment with the file transfer service prior to the formal file transfer client being developed. For more information, please refer to the file transfer tutorial.