Using the ISIS iMTQ in a Kubos Project

This document covers the particular capabilities and requirements of the Kubos API for the ISIS iMTQ magnetorquer.

The API is split into four distinct categories:

  • Core functions (connection init/terminate, watchdog)
  • Operational functions (reset iMTQ, set coils, start tests)
  • Data request functions (get data, get telemetry, get test results)
  • Configuration (get/set/reset system parameters)

Reference Documents


  • iMTQ User Manual - The main guide for the iMTQ
  • iMTQ Options Sheet - Allows customers to specify non-default options that their device should be manufactured with

Project Configuration

There are several options which may be specified within a project’s config.json file under the adcs.imtq structure. These option values should match what was specified in your iMTQ options sheet. If they are not specified, the default value will be used.

For example:

  "adcs": {
    "imtq": {
      "watchdog": {
        "timeout": 3600
      "address": "0x55"

iMTQ Configuration

Object Properties:
  • watchdog (watchdog) – Watchdog configuration
  • address (string) – (Default: “0x10”) I2C address

Watchdog properties

Object Properties:
  • timeout (integer) – (Default: 60) iMTQ’s watchdog timeout period (in seconds). If the iMTQ does not receive any I2C commands in this time period, it will restart itself. Specify a value of 0 to indicate that the watchdog has been disabled.

Command Responses

Each command sent to the iMTQ will return a response beginning with an imtq_resp_header structure.

This structure contains several useful pieces of information:

  • The command that the response corresponds to

  • A status byte containing

    • A flag indicating whether this response has been fetched before
    • Flags indicating the validity of each axis’ measurement data
    • An error code

The iMTQ API will automatically verify that the command echoed in the response matches the command that was sent. Additionally, it will extract and return the error code as a KADCSStatus value.

For commands returning axis measurement data, users should check the presence of the RESP_IVA_X, RESP_IVA_Y, and RESP_IVA_Z flags. These flags are documented in section 3.2.4 of the iMTQ User Manual and indicate that the corresponding axis’ data might be invalid.

For example:

#include <isis-imtq-api/imtqh>

KADCSStatus status = ADCS_OK;
imtq_axis_data dipole = {0};
uint16_t time = 10;

dipole.x = 42;
dipole.y = 63;
dipole.z = -125;

status = k_adcs_init();
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize iMTQ connection\n");

/* Start actuation */
status = k_imtq_start_actuation_dipole(dipole, time);
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to start actuation (dipole): %d\n", status);
    return status;

/* Give it some time to run */
const struct timespec TRANSFER_DELAY = {
    .tv_sec = 0,
    .tv_nsec = 100000000


/* Get the commanded acuation dipole values */
status = k_imtq_get_dipole(&dipole);
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get coil currents: %d\n", status);
    return status;

/* Check the data validity */
if (dipole.hdr.status & RESP_IVA_X)
    printf("X-axis data might be invalid\n");
if (dipole.hdr.status & RESP_IVA_Y)
    printf("Y-axis data might be invalid\n");
if (dipole.hdr.status & RESP_IVA_Z)
    printf("Z-axis data might be invalid\n");

/* Print the results */
printf("Command actuation dipole - X: %d Y: %d Z: %d\n",


Run-Time Configuration


These configuration changes will not persist through reboot, including one triggered by the watchdog

The ISIS iMTQ supports in-flight configuration changes and queries via the k_acds_configure function. The desired configuration should be passed to the function as a JSON structure (defined as JsonNode *) which has been built using the CCAN/JSON library in the Kubos repo.

The user may either convert a character buffer containing JSON using json_decode and/or create a JSON structure manually using json_mkobject and json_append_member.

The iMTQ’s configuration parameters are documented in section 3.4 of the iMTQ User Manual.

For increased code readability, these codes have been included in the API with pre-defined names.

As documented in Table 3-8 of the iMTQ User Manual, the configuration parameter values are not all the same type. The k_adcs_configure function will automatically convert the requested value to the correct type.


The JSON structure used for configuration must be deleted by the user after k_adcs_configure has been called

For example:

#include <isis-imtq-api/imtqh>

#define STRINGIFY(x)            STRINGIFY2(x)
#define STRINGIFY2(x)           #x

KADCSStatus status = ADCS_OK;

status = k_adcs_init();
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize iMTQ connection\n");

/* Create the JSON structure with our desired configuration options */
JsonNode * config = json_mkobject();
json_append_member(config, STRINGIFY(MTM_INTERNAL_MAP_X), json_mknumber(3));
json_append_member(config, STRINGIFY(MTM_INTERNAL_MAP_Y), json_mknumber(1));
json_append_member(config, STRINGIFY(MTM_INTERNAL_MAP_Z), json_mknumber(5));

/* Configure the iMTQ */
status = k_adcs_configure(config);

/* Delete the JSON structure now that we're done with it */

if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to configure iMTQ\n");


System Mode

The k_adcs_set_mode function can be used to put the iMTQ into either idle mode or detumble mode.


Putting the iMTQ into idle mode will cause any ongoing actuation to be immediately cancelled.


If detumble mode is specified, the adcs_mode_param argument should be used to specify the amount of time, in seconds, the iMTQ should spend in detumble mode before returning to idle.

This value may be zero, indicating that the iMTQ should remain in detumble mode indefinitely (or until changed by another function call).


As documented in section 2.8 of the iMTQ User Manual, the iMTQ is capable of performing single-axis or all-axes self-tests to verify that the system components are working correctly.

These tests can be run using the k_adcs_run_test() function. This corresponds with commands TC-OP-08 and TC-DR-07 documented in the iMTQ User Manual. The function takes an imtq_test_axis value indicating which axis to test and a JSON parent object (abstracted with adcs_test_results) to which the results should be attached.

The test results are documented in the TC-DR-07 command in section 3.3 of the iMTQ User Manual


The JSON structure used for the self-test results must be deleted by the user once it is no longer of use.

For example:

#include <isis-imtq-api/imtqh>

KADCSStatus status;

/* Make parent object */
adcs_test_results test = json_mkobject();

/* Get the data */
status = k_adcs_run_test(TEST_X_POS, test);
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get iMTQ telemetry\n");
    return ADCS_ERROR;

/* Print the results */
char * temp = json_stringify(test, " ");

/* Free the memory */

The printed results generated by the example might look like this:

 "tr_init_error": 0,
 "tr_init_mtm_raw_x": -1937,
 "tr_init_mtm_raw_y": -2223,
 "tr_init_mtm_raw_z": 3145,
 "tr_init_mtm_calib_x": -14528,
 "tr_init_mtm_calib_y": -16688,
 "tr_init_mtm_calib_z": 23603,
 "tr_init_coil_current_x": -4,
 "tr_init_coil_current_y": -5,
 "tr_init_coil_current_z": -27,
 "tr_init_coil_temp_x": 24,
 "tr_init_coil_temp_y": 24,
 "tr_init_coil_temp_z": 24,
 "tr_posx_error": 0,
 "tr_posx_mtm_raw_x": -50935,
 "tr_posx_mtm_raw_y": -85279,
 "tr_posx_mtm_raw_z": 12577,
 "tr_posx_mtm_calib_x": -382013,
 "tr_posx_mtm_calib_y": -639608,
 "tr_posx_mtm_calib_z": 94343,
 "tr_posx_coil_current_x": 424,
 "tr_posx_coil_current_y": 2,
 "tr_posx_coil_current_z": 2,
 "tr_posx_coil_temp_x": 24,
 "tr_posx_coil_temp_y": 24,
 "tr_posx_coil_temp_z": 24,
 "tr_fina_error": 0,
 "tr_fina_mtm_raw_x": -1789,
 "tr_fina_mtm_raw_y": -2391,
 "tr_fina_mtm_raw_z": 3477,
 "tr_fina_mtm_calib_x": -13418,
 "tr_fina_mtm_calib_y": -17948,
 "tr_fina_mtm_calib_z": 26093,
 "tr_fina_coil_current_x": 1,
 "tr_fina_coil_current_y": -5,
 "tr_fina_coil_current_z": -16,
 "tr_fina_coil_temp_x": 24,
 "tr_fina_coil_temp_y": 24,
 "tr_fina_coil_temp_z": 24


The k_adcs_get_telemetry function is capable of returning two different categories of telemetry: nominal and debug.

Each function call will also return the current system status, as generated by k_imtq_get_system_state().


The JSON structure used to get the telemetry must be deleted by the user once it is no longer of use.

This function takes two parameters:

  • The type of telemetry to return, specified by ADCSTelemType
  • A pointer to a JSON structure (defined as JsonNode *) to which the telemetry results should be added


The JSON structure used for the telemetry information must be deleted by the user once it is no longer of use.

For example:

#include <isis-imtq-api/imtqh>

KADCSStatus status = ADCS_OK;

/* Make parent object */
JsonNode * telem = json_mkobject();

/* Get the data */
status = k_adcs_get_telemetry(NOMINAL, telem);
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error/s occurred while getting ADCS telemetry\n");

/* Print results */
char * temp = json_stringify(telem, " ");

/* Free the memory */


The nominal telemetry will contain the following information:

  • Housekeeping - All values returned as both raw ADCS and calculated engineering values. Corresponds with the information returned by TC-DR-09 and TC-DR-10.

    • Voltage of the digital supply
    • Voltage of the analog supply
    • Current of the digital supply
    • Current of the analog supply
    • Coil currents
    • Coil temperatures
    • MCU temperature
  • Data during last detumble iteration. Corresponds with the information returned by TC-DR-08.

    • Calibrated magnetometer data
    • Filtered magnetormeter data
    • B-Dot values
    • Commanded actuation dipole values
    • Command current values
    • Coil currents
  • Current magnetometer measurements - Note: this information will only be returned if the iMTQ is in IDLE mode. Corresponds with the operational commands TC-DR-02 and TC-DR-03 and information returned by TC-DR-02 and TC-DR-03.

    • Coils actuation status during measurement
    • Magnetometer measurement data (raw ADCS and calibrated values)
  • Last measured dipole values

An example response might look like this:

    "system_mode": "IDLE",
    "system_error": "no",
    "system_configured": "yes",
    "system_uptime": 14,
    "supply_voltage_digital_raw": 2742,
    "supply_voltage_analog_raw": 2743,
    "supply_current_digital_raw": 731,
    "supply_current_analog_raw": 167,
    "coil_current_x_raw": 2122,
    "coil_current_y_raw": 2124,
    "coil_current_z_raw": 2123,
    "coil_temp_x_raw": 2276,
    "coil_temp_y_raw": 2270,
    "coil_temp_z_raw": 2270,
    "mcu_temp_raw": 1262,
    "supply_voltage_digital_eng": 3348,
    "supply_voltage_analog_eng": 3348,
    "supply_current_digital_eng": 373,
    "supply_current_analog_eng": 77,
    "coil_current_x_eng": 2,
    "coil_current_y_eng": 2,
    "coil_current_z_eng": 2,
    "coil_temp_x_eng": 21,
    "coil_temp_y_eng": 22,
    "coil_temp_z_eng": 22,
    "mcu_temp_eng": 25,
    "detumble_calib_mtm_x": 0,
    "detumble_calib_mtm_y": 0,
    "detumble_calib_mtm_z": 0,
    "detumble_filter_mtm_x": 0,
    "detumble_filter_mtm_y": 0,
    "detumble_filter_mtm_z": 0,
    "detumble_bdot_x": 0,
    "detumble_bdot_y": 0,
    "detumble_bdot_z": 0,
    "detumble_dipole_x": 0,
    "detumble_dipole_y": 0,
    "detumble_dipole_z": 0,
    "detumble_cmd_current_x": 0,
    "detumble_cmd_current_y": 0,
    "detumble_cmd_current_z": 0,
    "detumble_coil_current_x": 0,
    "detumble_coil_current_y": 0,
    "detumble_coil_current_z": 0,
    "mtm_actuating": "no",
    "mtm_x_raw": -705,
    "mtm_y_raw": -2879,
    "mtm_z_raw": 3583,
    "mtm_x_calib": -5288,
    "mtm_y_calib": -21608,
    "mtm_z_calib": 26888,
    "dipole_x": 7,
    "dipole_y": 80,
    "dipole_z": -129


The debug telemetry will contain the following information:

  • The current values of all iMTQ configuration options
  • The results of the last run self-test as triggered by k_adcs_run_test or k_imtq_start_test

An example response might look like this:

    "system_mode": "IDLE",
    "system_error": "no",
    "system_configured": "yes",
    "system_uptime": 13,
    "0x2002": 0,
    "0x2003": 1,
    "0x2004": 2,
    "0x2005": 3,
    "0x2006": 1,
    "0x2007": 5,
    "0x2008": 0,
    "0x2009": 1,
    "0x200a": 2,
    "0xa001": 1,
    "0xa002": 0,
    "0xa003": 0,
    "0xa004": 0,
    "0xa005": 1,
    "0xa006": 0,
    "0xa007": 0,
    "0xa008": 0,
    "0xa009": 1,
    "0xa00a": 0,
    "0xa00b": 0,
    "0xa00c": 0,
    "0x301c": 1294,
    "0x301d": 1291,
    "0x301e": 1297,
    "0x301f": 1,
    "0x3020": 1,
    "0x3021": 25,
    "0x3022": 2,
    "0x3023": 2,
    "0x3024": 12,
    "0x3025": 1567,
    "0x3026": 1567,
    "0x3027": 1567,
    "0x3028": -10,
    "0x3029": -10,
    "0x302a": -10,
    "0x302b": 81,
    "0x302c": 81,
    "0x302d": 81,
    "0x2000": 1,
    "0xa000": -10000,
    "0xa00d": 5e-05,
    "0xa00e": 0.1,
    "0xa00f": 5,
    "0xa010": 5,
    "0xa011": 2,
    "0x4000": 0,
    "0x2001": 0,
    "0x5000": -2000,
    "0x5001": -2000,
    "0x5002": -800,
    "0x3000": -40,
    "0x3001": -20,
    "0x3002": 0,
    "0x3003": 20,
    "0x3004": 40,
    "0x3005": 60,
    "0x3006": 70,
    "0x3007": 546,
    "0x3008": 498,
    "0x3009": 452,
    "0x300a": 416,
    "0x300b": 389,
    "0x300c": 363,
    "0x300d": 352,
    "0x300e": 545,
    "0x300f": 496,
    "0x3010": 449,
    "0x3011": 414,
    "0x3012": 387,
    "0x3013": 362,
    "0x3014": 350,
    "0x3015": 1545,
    "0x3016": 1410,
    "0x3017": 1277,
    "0x3018": 1178,
    "0x3019": 1102,
    "0x301a": 1029,
    "0x301b": 999,
    "0x2800": 0,
    "0x2801": 70,
    "0x4800": 16,
    "0x6800": 7689,
    "tr_init_error": 0,
    "tr_init_mtm_raw_x": -755,
    "tr_init_mtm_raw_y": -2563,
    "tr_init_mtm_raw_z": 3749,
    "tr_init_mtm_calib_x": -5663,
    "tr_init_mtm_calib_y": -19238,
    "tr_init_mtm_calib_z": 28133,
    "tr_init_coil_current_x": -2,
    "tr_init_coil_current_y": -2,
    "tr_init_coil_current_z": -14,
    "tr_init_coil_temp_x": 21,
    "tr_init_coil_temp_y": 22,
    "tr_init_coil_temp_z": 22,
    "tr_posz_error": 96,
    "tr_posz_mtm_raw_x": -21355,
    "tr_posz_mtm_raw_y": -9991,
    "tr_posz_mtm_raw_z": 91997,
    "tr_posz_mtm_calib_x": -160163,
    "tr_posz_mtm_calib_y": -74948,
    "tr_posz_mtm_calib_z": 689993,
    "tr_posz_coil_current_x": -98,
    "tr_posz_coil_current_y": 46,
    "tr_posz_coil_current_z": 581,
    "tr_posz_coil_temp_x": 21,
    "tr_posz_coil_temp_y": 22,
    "tr_posz_coil_temp_z": 22,
    "tr_fina_error": 0,
    "tr_fina_mtm_raw_x": -729,
    "tr_fina_mtm_raw_y": -2789,
    "tr_fina_mtm_raw_z": 2801,
    "tr_fina_mtm_calib_x": -5468,
    "tr_fina_mtm_calib_y": -20933,
    "tr_fina_mtm_calib_z": 21023,
    "tr_fina_coil_current_x": -2,
    "tr_fina_coil_current_y": -5,
    "tr_fina_coil_current_z": -8,
    "tr_fina_coil_temp_x": 21,
    "tr_fina_coil_temp_y": 22,
    "tr_fina_coil_temp_z": 22

Other Functions

  • k_adcs_reset() - (TC-OP-01) Trigger a software reset of the iMTQ
  • k_adcs_noop() - (TC-OP-02) Perform a no-op operation. Useful for verifying the iMTQ is online.
  • k_adcs_get_power_status() - Returns the uptime of the iMTQ, in seconds. Value is zero if the iMTQ is offline.

iMTQ-specific Functions

  • k_imtq_cancel() - (TC-OP-03) Cancel any ongoing actuation and switch to idle mode


The iMTQ has a watchdog which will restart the system if it has not been fed within the required interval.

There are two provided functions to assist with its maintenance:


Get Current Parameter Value

To check the current value of a configuration parameter, use the k_imtq_get_param() function.

The function takes two parameters:

  • The parameter to fetch
  • A pointer to an imtq_config_resp structure where the command response containing the parameter value should be put

If the function returns successfully, the value can be read from the appropriate unit submember of the imtq_config_resp.value structure member.

For example:

#include <isis-imtq-api/imtqh>

KADCSStatus status = ADCS_OK;
imtq_config_resp result;

status = k_adcs_init();
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize iMTQ connection\n");

status = k_imtq_get_param(SLAVE_ADDRESS, &result);
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get parameter value: %d\n", status);
    return status;

if (result.value.uint16_val == 0x10)
    printf("Get parameter test completed successfully\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Parameter value mismatch - Expected: %x Received: %x\n",
                    IMTQ_ADDR, result.value.uint16_val);


Set New Parameter Value


These configuration changes will not persist through reboot, including one triggered by the watchdog

To set a new value for a configuration parameter, use the k_imtq_set_param() function.

The function takes three parameters:

  • The parameter to fetch
  • A pointer to an imtq_config_value structure containing the new parameter value
  • A pointer to an imtq_config_resp structure where the command response containing the updated parameter value should be put

If the function returns successfully, the updated value can be read from the appropriate unit submember of the imtq_config_resp.value structure member to verify that the parameter was updated as expected.

For example:

#include <isis-imtq-api/imtqh>

KADCSStatus status = ADCS_OK;
imtq_config_resp result;
imtq_config_value request;

request.int16_val = 1300;

status = k_adcs_init();
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize iMTQ connection\n");

/* Set the new value */
status = k_imtq_set_param(ADC_COIL_CURRENT_BIAS_X, &request, &result);
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set parameter value: %d\n", status);
    return status;

/* Verify that it was set successfully */
if (request.int16_val != result.value.int16_val)
    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to change parameter: %d %d\n",
                    request.int16_val, result.value.int16_val);
    printf("Set parameter test completed successfully\n");


Reset Parameter Value

To reset a configuration parameter to its default value, use the k_imtq_reset_param() function.

The function takes two parameters:

  • The parameter to fetch
  • (optional) A pointer to an imtq_config_resp structure where the command response containing the parameter value should be put

If the function returns successfully, the value can be read from the appropriate unit submember of the imtq_config_resp.value structure member. This value should match the default documented in section 3.4 of the iMTQ User Manual.

For example:

#include <isis-imtq-api/imtqh>

KADCSStatus status = ADCS_OK;
imtq_config_resp result;

status = k_adcs_init();
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize iMTQ connection\n");

status = k_imtq_reset_param(CURRENT_FEEDBACK_ENABLE, &result);
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to reset parameter: %d\n", status);
    return status;

if (result.value.uint8_val != 0)
    fprintf(stderr, "Returned value does not match the default: %d\n", result.value.uint8_val);


Magnetometer Measurements

The k_imtq_start_measurement() function should be called to request that the iMTQ start a 3-axis measurement of the magnetic field. This corresponds with command TC-OP-04 documented in the iMTQ User Manual.

After this function has been called, either k_imtq_get_raw_mtm() or k_imtq_get_calib_mtm() can be called in order to read the results of the measurement. These functions correspond with commands TC-DR-02 and TC-DR-03 documented in the iMTQ User Manual.

These functions take a pointer to an imtq_mtm_msg structure where the command response containing the measurement data should be put.

For example:

#include <isis-imtq-api/imtqh>

KADCSStatus status = ADCS_OK;

status = k_adcs_init();
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize iMTQ connection\n");

/* Request that the iMTQ get MTM measurements */
status = k_imtq_start_measurement();
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to start MTM measurement: %d\n", status);
    return status;

/* Give it a little time to complete the request */
const struct timespec TRANSFER_DELAY = {
    .tv_sec = 0,
    .tv_nsec = 2000000

/* Read the measurements */
imtq_mtm_msg mtm = {0};

status = k_imtq_get_raw_mtm(&mtm);
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get calib measurement: %d\n", status);
    return status;

printf("MTM Measurement (raw) - X: %10d Y: %10d Z: %10d Actuating: %s\n",,,, mtm.act_status ? "yes" : "no");

status = k_imtq_get_calib_mtm(&mtm);
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get calib measurement: %d\n", status);
    return status;

printf("MTM Measurement (cal) - X: %10d Y: %10d Z: %10d Actuating: %s\n",,,, mtm.act_status ? "yes" : "no");



As documented in section 2.6 of the iMTQ User Manual, the iMTQ’s coils can be used to generate a dipole.

This can be done by using one of three functions:


Please refer to the corresponding command documentation in section 3.3 of the iMTQ User Manual for more information about the purpose and characteristics of these functions

Each of these functions takes two parameters:

  • A pointer to an imtq_axis_data structure containing the desired actuation value for the x-, y-, and z- axis
  • The duration, in milliseconds, which the actuation should be active for


The k_imtq_start_actuation_current() and k_imtq_start_actuation_PWM() functions both have limits on what the actuation values for each axis can be. See the function API documentation for more information

For example:

#include <isis-imtq-api/imtqh>

KADCSStatus status = ADCS_OK;
imtq_axis_data currents = {0};
uint16_t time = 10;

currents.x = -410;
currents.y = -408;
currents.z = -1159;

status = k_adcs_init();
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize iMTQ connection\n");

status = k_imtq_start_actuation_current(currents, time);
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to start actuation (current): %d\n", status);
    return status;



The k_imtq_start_detumble() function can be used to switch the iMTQ into detumble mode for a desired duration.

This corresponds with the TC-OP-09 command documented in section 3.3 of the iMTQ User Manual

The function takes a single parameter indicating the time, in seconds, that the iMTQ should be in detumble mode before returning to idle mode.

After this function has run, the k_imtq_get_detumble() function can be used to fetch the measurements and computations generated while the iMTQ was in detumble mode.

This corresponds with the TC-DR-08 command documented in section 3.3 of the iMTQ User Manual

The function takes a pointer to an imtq_detumble structure where the command response containing the generated data should be put.

For example:

#include <isis-imtq-api/imtqh>

KADCSStatus status = ADCS_OK;
uint16_t time = 0;

status = k_adcs_init();
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize iMTQ connection\n");

/* Enter detumble mode */
status = k_imtq_start_detumble(time);
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to start actuation (dipole): %d\n", status);
    return status;

/* Give it a little time to complete the request */
const struct timespec TRANSFER_DELAY = {
    .tv_sec = 0,
    .tv_nsec = 2000000

/* Fetch the data */
imtq_detumble data = {0};

status = k_imtq_get_detumble(&data);
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get detumble data: %d\n", status);
    return status;

printf("Detumble Data: \n"
printf("Calibrated - X: %d Y: %d Z: %d\n",
        data.mtm_calib.x, data.mtm_calib.y, data.mtm_calib.z);
printf("Filtered - X: %d Y: %d Z: %d\n",
        data.mtm_filter.x, data.mtm_filter.y, data.mtm_filter.z);
printf("B-dot - X: %d Y: %d Z: %d\n",
        data.bdot.x, data.bdot.y, data.bdot.z);
printf("Command actuation dipole - X: %d Y: %d Z: %d\n",
            data.dipole.x, data.dipole.y, data.dipole.z);
printf("Command current - X: %d Y: %d Z: %d\n",
            data.cmd_current.x, data.cmd_current.y, data.cmd_current.z);
printf("Coil current - X: %d Y: %d Z: %d\n",
            data.coil_current.x, data.coil_current.y, data.coil_current.z);



There are several iMTQ-specific functions which can also be used to get current data about the system.

System State

The k_imtq_get_system_state() function can be used to check the current state of the iMTQ.

This corresponds with the TC-DR-01 command documented in section 3.3 of the iMTQ User Manual

The function takes a pointer to an imtq_state structure where the command response containing the system information should be put.

Coil Current

The k_imtq_get_coil_current() function can be used to fetch the current measurement of the iMTQ’s coils.

This corresponds with the TC-DR-04 command documented in section 3.3 of the iMTQ User Manual

The function takes a pointer to an imtq_coil_current structure where the command response containing the current for each of the axes should be put.

Coil Temperatures

The k_imtq_get_coil_temps() function can be used to fetch the temperature measurement of the iMTQ’s coils.

This corresponds with the TC-DR-05 command documented in section 3.3 of the iMTQ User Manual

The function takes a pointer to an imtq_coil_temp structure where the command response containing the temperature for each of the axes should be put.


The k_imtq_get_dipole() function can be used to fetch the commanded actuation dipole.

This corresponds with the TC-DR-04 command documented in section 3.3 of the iMTQ User Manual


This function will return the values generated after running either the k_imtq_start_actuation_dipole() or k_imtq_start_detumble() functions.

The function takes a pointer to an imtq_dipole structure where the command response containing the dipole for each of the axes should be put.

Housekeeping Data

The k_imtq_get_raw_housekeeping() and k_imtq_get_eng_housekeeping() functions can be used to fetch the housekeeping data of the iMTQ, containing information like system voltages, currents, and temperatures.

These functions correspond with commands TC-DR-09 and TC-DR-10 documented in the iMTQ User Manual.

The k_imtq_get_raw_housekeeping() function takes a pointer to a imtq_housekeeping_raw structure and returns the raw ADC counts for each of the telemetry items.

The k_imtq_get_eng_housekeeping() function takes a pointer to a imtq_housekeeping_eng structure and returns the converted engineering values for each of the telemetry items.

For example:

#include <isis-imtq-api/imtqh>

KADCSStatus status = ADCS_OK;
imtq_housekeeping_eng data = {0};

status = k_adcs_init();
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize iMTQ connection\n");

status = k_imtq_get_eng_housekeeping(&data);
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get eng housekeeping data: %d\n", status);
    return status;

printf("Housekeeping Data (eng): \n"
printf("Voltage - D: %d A: %d\n", data.voltage_d, data.voltage_a);
printf("Current - D: %d A: %d\n", data.current_d, data.current_a);
printf("Coil current - X: %d Y: %d Z: %d\n",
            data.coil_current.x, data.coil_current.y, data.coil_current.z);
printf("Coil temp - X: %d Y: %d Z: %d\n",
            data.coil_temp.x, data.coil_temp.y, data.coil_temp.z);
printf("MCU temp - %d\n", data.mcu_temp);
