[][src]Crate clyde_3g_eps_service


Service for interacting with a Clyde Space 3G EPS


The service can be configured in the /etc/kubos-config.toml with the following fields:

bus = "/dev/i2c-1"

ip = ""
port = 8100

Where bus specifies the I2C bus the EPS is on, ip specifies the service's IP address, and port specifies the port on which the service will be listening for UDP packets.

Running the Service

The service should be started automatically by its init script, but may also be started manually:

$ clyde-3g-eps-service
Listening on:

If no config file is specified, then the service will look at /etc/kubos-config.toml. An alternative config file may be specified on the command line at run time:

$ clyde-3g-eps-service -c config.toml


Attempts to grab bus from Configuration and will panic! if not found.

GraphQL Schema



Fetch the last mutation which was executed by the service. Returns a subsystem::Mutations value.

	ack: Mutation!


Fetch all errors encountered by the service since the last time this field was queried

	errors: [String]


Get the system power status. Returns a PowerState value.

	power {
		motherboard: PowerState,
     	daughterboard: PowerState,


Version Info

Fetch the version information for the EPS' motherboard and daughterboard (if present).

	telemetry {
		version {
			motherboard {
				revision: Int!,
				firmwareNumber: Int!
			daughterboard {
				revision: Int,
				firmwareNumber: Int

Reset Count

Get the number of board resets, by category. Note: If any value exceeds 255, it will automatically roll over to 0.

	telemetry {
		reset {
				motherboard: Int!
				daughterboard: Int
				motherboard: Int!
				daughterboard: Int
				motherboard: Int!
				daughterboard: Int
				motherboard: Int!
				daughterboard: Int

Motherboard Telemetry

Fetch telemetry data for the motherboard. All returned values are automatically converted from their original raw data. Refer to Table 11-7 of the EPS' User Manual for more information.

   telemetry {
   	motherboard {
   		VoltageFeedingBcr1: Float!
   		CurrentBcr1Sa1a: Float!
   		CurrentBcr1Sa1b: Float!
   		ArrayTempSa1a: Float!
   		ArrayTempSa1b: Float!
   		SunDetectorSa1a: Float!
   		SunDetectorSa1b: Float!
   		VoltageFeedingBcr2: Float!
   		CurrentBcr2Sa2a: Float!
   		CurrentBcr2Sa2b: Float!
   		ArrayTempSa2a: Float!
   		ArrayTempSa2b: Float!
   		SunDetectorSa2a: Float!
   		SunDetectorSa2b: Float!
   		VoltageFeedingBcr3: Float!
   		CurrentBcr3Sa3a: Float!
   		CurrentBcr3Sa3b: Float!
   		ArrayTempSa3a: Float!
   		ArrayTempSa3b: Float!
   		SunDetectorSa3a: Float!
   		SunDetectorSa3b: Float!
   		BcrOutputCurrent: Float!
   		BcrOutputVoltage: Float!
   		CurrentDraw3V3: Float!
   		CurrentDraw5V: Float!
   		OutputCurrent12V: Float!
   		OutputVoltage12V: Float!
   		OutputCurrentBattery: Float!
   		OutputVoltageBattery: Float!
   		OutputCurrent5v: Float!
   		OutputVoltage5v: Float!
   		OutputCurrent33v: Float!
   		OutputVoltage33v: Float!
   		OutputVoltageSwitch1: Float!
   		OutputCurrentSwitch1: Float!
   		OutputVoltageSwitch2: Float!
   		OutputCurrentSwitch2: Float!
   		OutputVoltageSwitch3: Float!
   		OutputCurrentSwitch3: Float!
   		OutputVoltageSwitch4: Float!
   		OutputCurrentSwitch4: Float!
   		OutputVoltageSwitch5: Float!
   		OutputCurrentSwitch5: Float!
   		OutputVoltageSwitch6: Float!
   		OutputCurrentSwitch6: Float!
   		OutputVoltageSwitch7: Float!
   		OutputCurrentSwitch7: Float!
   		OutputVoltageSwitch8: Float!
   		OutputCurrentSwitch8: Float!
   		OutputVoltageSwitch9: Float!
   		OutputCurrentSwitch9: Float!
   		OutputVoltageSwitch10: Float!
   		OutputCurrentSwitch10: Float!
   		BoardTemperature: Float!

Daughterboard Telemetry

Fetch telemetry data for the motherboard. All returned values are automatically converted from their original raw data. Refer to Table 11-8 of the EPS's User Manual for more information.

	telemetry {
		daughterboard {
			VoltageFeedingBcr4: Float
			CurrentBcr4Sa4a: Float
			CurrentBcr4Sa4b: Float
			ArrayTempSa4a: Float
			ArrayTempSa4b: Float
			SunDetectorSa4a: Float
			SunDetectorSa4b: Float
			VoltageFeedingBcr5: Float
			CurrentBcr5Sa5a: Float
			CurrentBcr5Sa5b: Float
			ArrayTempSa5a: Float
			ArrayTempSa5b: Float
			SunDetectorSa5a: Float
			SunDetectorSa5b: Float
			VoltageFeedingBcr6: Float
			CurrentBcr6Sa6a: Float
			CurrentBcr6Sa6b: Float
			ArrayTempSa6a: Float
			ArrayTempSa6b: Float
			SunDetectorSa6a: Float
			SunDetectorSa6b: Float
			VoltageFeedingBcr7: Float
			CurrentBcr7Sa7a: Float
			CurrentBcr7Sa7b: Float
			ArrayTempSa7a: Float
			ArrayTempSa7b: Float
			SunDetectorSa7a: Float
			SunDetectorSa7b: Float
			VoltageFeedingBcr8: Float
			CurrentBcr8Sa8a: Float
			CurrentBcr8Sa8b: Float
			ArrayTempSa8a: Float
			ArrayTempSa8b: Float
			SunDetectorSa8a: Float
			SunDetectorSa8b: Float
			VoltageFeedingBcr9: Float
			CurrentBcr9Sa9a: Float
			CurrentBcr9Sa9b: Float
			ArrayTempSa9a: Float
			ArrayTempSa9b: Float
			SunDetectorSa9a: Float
			SunDetectorSa9b: Float
			BoardTemperature: Float

Watchdog Period

Fetch the current watchdog timeout period, in minutes

	telemetry {
		watchdogPeriod: Int!

Last EPS Error

Fetch the last error which was encountered by the system while executing a command. Returns a last_error::Error value

	telemetry {
		lastEpsError {
			motherboard: Error!
			daughterboard: Error

Board Status

Check the status of the motherboard and daughterboard. Returns status flags indicating any recent errors.

	telemetry {
		boardStatus {
			motherboard: Status!
			daugherboard: Status



Execute a trivial command against the system.

mutation {
	noop {
		success: Boolean!
		errors: String!

Manual Reset

Manually reset the EPS.

mutation {
	manualReset {
		success: Boolean!
		errors: String!

Reset Watchdog

Reset the communications watchdog timer.

mutation {
	resetWatchdog {
		success: Boolean!
		errors: String!

Set Watchdog Period

Set the communications watchdog timeout period.

mutation {
	setWatchdogPeriod(period: Int!) {
		success: Boolean!
		errors: String!

Issue Raw Command

Pass a custom command through to the system

mutation {
	issueRawCommand(command: Int!, data: [Int!]) {
		success: Boolean!
		errors: String!

Test Hardware

Perform a system test

 mutation {
 	testHardware(test: TestType) {
 		success: Boolean!
 		errors: String!



EPS system components


Service schema