Using an ADCS

This document covers the general API for interacting with a supported ADCS. The underlying structure for ADCSs varies quite dramatically, so please refer to the appropriate specific ADCS document in conjunction with this one.

The specific ADCS documents will cover things like configuration options, available telemetry types, and system requirements.

Project Configuration

The specific ADCS being used in a Kubos project should be specified in the adcs parameter of the project’s config.json file. This tells the Kubos SDK to include the correct ADCS files when building the project. The ADCS’s subparameters may then be specified within the specific ADCS’s structure.

For example:

  "adcs": {
    "imtq": {
      "watchdog": {
        "timeout": 3600

ADCS Initialization and Termination

In order for a Kubos project to communicate with a ADCS, the k_adcs_init function should be called. This opens the correct underlying Kubos Linux device file. The function should return ADCS_OK if it completed successfully.

Similarly, before the project finishes executing, the k_adcs_terminate function should be called to perform the appropriate system cleanup.

For example:

#include "adcs-api/adcs.h"

if (k_adcs_init() != ADCS_OK)

// Project logic


Run-Time ADCS Configuration

Some ADCSs may support or require that the ADCS be configured during run-time. This can be done by passing a pointer to a JSON structure (defined as JsonNode *) to the k_adcs_configure function.

The JSON structure should be created using the CCAN/JSON library in the Kubos repo.

The user may either convert a character buffer containing JSON using json_decode and/or create a JSON structure manually using json_mkobject and json_append_member.

The passed JSON should be a flat structure consisting solely of name/value pairs.


The JSON structure used for configuration must be deleted by the user once it is no longer of use.

For example:

#include <adcs-api/adcs.h>

KADCSStatus status = ADCS_OK;

status = k_adcs_init();
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize ADCS connection\n");

/* Create the JSON structure with our desired configuration options */
JsonNode * config = json_decode("{\"0x2003\": 1,   \"0x2004\": 2}");
json_append_member(config, "0x2005", json_mknumber(4));

/* Configure the iMTQ */
status = k_adcs_configure(config);

/* Delete the JSON structure now that we're done with it */

if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to configure ADCS\n");



Some ADCSs are capable of running self-diagnostics. These self-tests are executed using k_adcs_run_test().

The available self-tests are documented in the specific ADCS API.

This function takes two parameters:

  • The self-test to run
  • A pointer to a JSON structure to which the test results should be added


The JSON structure used for the self-test results must be deleted by the user once it is no longer of use.

For example:

#include <adcs-api/adcs.h>

KADCSStatus status = ADCS_OK;

/* Make parent object */
adcs_test_results test = json_mkobject();

/* Get the data */
status = k_adcs_run_test(TEST_ALL, test);
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get iMTQ telemetry\n");
    return ADCS_ERROR;

/* Print results */
char * temp = json_stringify(test, " ");

/* Free the memory */


The k_adcs_get_telemetry() function can be used to fetch current telemetry information about the ADCS.

The available types of telemetry are documented in the specific ADCS API.

This function takes two parameters:

  • The type of telemetry to return
  • A pointer to a JSON structure (defined as JsonNode *) to which the telemetry results should be added


The JSON structure used for the telemetry information must be deleted by the user once it is no longer of use.

For example:

#include <adcs-api/adcs.h>

KADCSStatus status = ADCS_OK;

/* Make parent object */
JsonNode * telem = json_mkobject();

/* Get the data */
status = k_adcs_get_telemetry(NOMINAL, telem);
if (status != ADCS_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error/s occurred while getting ADCS telemetry\n");

/* Print results */
char * temp = json_stringify(telem, " ");

/* Free the memory */