Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
Ccan_frame_t | CAN Frame |
Ccsp_can_config | |
Ccsp_cmp_message | |
Ccsp_id_t | This union defines a CSP identifier and allows access to the individual fields or the entire identifier |
Ccsp_iface_s | Interface struct |
Ccsp_kiss_handle_s | This structure should be statically allocated by the user and passed to the kiss interface during the init function no member information should be changed |
Ccsp_packet_t | CSP PACKET STRUCTURE Note: This structure is constructed to fit with all interface frame types in order to have buffer reuse |
Ccsp_socket_handle_t | Unix socket driver handle |
Ccsp_timestamp_t | |
Ci2c_frame_s | Data structure for I2C frames |
Cpthread_queue_s | |
Cusart_conf | Usart configuration, to be used with the usart_init call |