Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
Caprs_position_s | |
Caprs_telemetry_desc_s | |
Caprs_telemetry_s | |
Cax25_addr_s | |
Cbme280_calib_data | Calibration data structure to hold coefficients |
Cbno055_calibration_data_t | |
Cbno055_offsets_t | |
Cbno055_quat_data_t | |
Cbno055_rev_info_t | |
Cbno055_system_status_t | |
Cbno055_vector_data_t | |
Cgps_cfg | |
Cgps_fix_t | |
Ck_alloc | |
Ck_buffer | |
Ck_msg | |
Ck_position_vector_t | Quaternion absolute position vector |
Ck_sensor_vector_t | 3D IMU vector |
Cuart_conf | Usart configuration, to be used with the uart_init call |