Monitor Service

The monitor service is a special hardware service which is included by default in KubOS. Instead of having an external hardware endpoint, this service’s endpoint is the OBC itself.

The monitor service provides a way to check currently running processes and total system memory usage.

Interface Details

Specific details about the available GraphQL queries can be found in the monitor service Rust docs.

PS Query

The ps query allows users to get the status of running processes on their OBC.

It has the following schema:

    ps(pids: [Int!] = null): [
            pid: Int!
            uid: Int
            gid: Int
            usr: String
            grp: String
            state: String
            ppid: Int
            mem: Int
            rss: Int
            threads: Int
            cmd: String

The pids input parameter specifies an array of process ID numbers which the service should fetch information about. If the parameter is not specified, then information about all currently running processes is returned.

For each requested process, the query can return the following data:

  • pid - The process ID of the process

  • uid - The user ID of the user or process which created this process

  • gid - The group ID of the user or process which created this process

  • usr - The user name associated with the UID

  • grp - The group name associated with the GID

  • state - A single character indicating the process’ current state. Please refer to this manual for a description of each character’s meaning

  • ppid - The process ID of the process which started this process

  • mem - The virtual memory size of the process, in bytes

  • rss - The current number of pages the process has in real memory

  • threads - The current number of threads in this process

  • cmd - The full command, including arguments, which was used to execute this process (taken from /proc/{pid}/cmdline. Defaults to the raw process name if the file cannot be read)

An example query might look like this:

    ps(pids: [473, 477, 501]) {

The response from the service might look like this:

    "data": {
                "cmd": "/usr/sbin/file-service",
                "pid": 473,
                "ppid": 1,
                "threads": 1
                "cmd": "/usr/sbin/telemetry-service",
                "pid": 477,
                "ppid": 1,
                "threads": 2
                "cmd": "monitor-service",
                "pid": 501,
                "ppid": 497,
                "threads": 1

MemInfo Query

The memInfo query can be used to get information about the memory availablity and usage of the system as a whole. It works by reading and parsing the /proc/meminfo file.

It has the following schema:

    memInfo {
        total: Int
        free: Int
        available: Int
        lowFree: Int

The query has the following response fields:

  • total - The total usable RAM of the system, in kB

  • free - The total amount of free memory (includes lowFree)

  • available - An estimate of how much memory is available for starting new applications, without swapping

  • lowFree - The amount of free memory which can be used by the kernel

LoadAvg Query

The loadAvg query can be used to get information about the system’s processor utilization. It operates by reading /proc/loadavg and parsing available values to return averaged processor load, counts of active processes, and last process ID status.

All values are recorded in double precision floats to avoid any potential truncation, and simplify output.

It has the following schema:

    loadAvg {
        load1m: Float
        load5m: Float
        load15m: Float
        processesActive: Float
        processesTotal: Float
        lastPid: Float

The response fields:

  • load1m - System load averaged over the past minute

  • load5m - System load averaged over the past five minutes

  • load15m - System load averaged over the past fifteen minutes

  • processesActive - Processes active at the instant of reading /proc/loadavg

  • processesTotal - Processes running on the system in total

  • lastPid - Last spawned Process ID on the system


Not all response fields are available on all systems. They will be omitted from the response if they are not available.