Using Python with the Kubos SDK

The Kubos SDK Vagrant box comes with a Python interperter and all the modules needed to develop a basic hardware service. Services can be tested locally in the Vagrant box up until the point that they need hardware interaction.



Python is currently only supported on the BeagleboneBlack and MBM2

There are currently two ways to add Python programs to a system running Kubos Linux:

  • Add a new Python package to a custom Kubos Linux build

    • Fork and clone kubos-linux-build and add additional Python packages to the package/python directory
    • You can see our current system packages and how they are structured here.
    • See the SysAdmin docs for more information on building Kubos Linux.
  • Add individual Python files on the fly by flashing them to an attached hardware target

    • Navigate to an existing example Kubos module like kubos-linux-example.
    • Run kubos linux -a.
    • Run kubos -t [target] build using the same target you cross-compiled with.
    • Run kubos flash /absolute/path/to/python/file. You must use the absolute path to the Python file you’d like to flash. Relative paths will not work.

Running on Target

The following steps will allow you to run Python files which have been flashed to a Linux target:

  1. Make sure the target hardware is attached to your computer via a serial cable.
  2. Run minicom kubos from inside of the Vagrant box.
  3. Enter the username kubos and the password Kubos123.
  4. Navigate to the folder /home/system/usr/local/bin.
  5. This folder is the default destination for flashed files. Your Python files should be here. You can now run them with python