Setting Up Your Local Environment

This document will lead you through the steps of setting up a local KubOS development environment. It is assumed that you are either running a Linux or macOS system. Windows users should refer to the Windows setup guide.

Development Dependencies

The following tools and libraries will need to be installed in order to build and run existing and new KubOS projects. You can install these however you like, however we suggest using your distro’s package manager (apt, dnf, snap, etc) on Linux, and using Homebrew on macOS.

  • git

  • curl

  • Rust + Cargo (We suggest using rustup to install)

    • You will probably want to add ~/.cargo/bin to your system’s PATH
  • Rust v1.32.0 (rustup default 1.32.0)

  • Clippy (rustup component add clippy)

  • Rustfmt (rustup component add rustfmt)

  • gcc

  • pkg-config

  • libssl-dev or openssl-dev (or openssl in macOS)

  • sqlite and libsqlite3-dev (libsqlite3-dev is not needed in macOS)

  • Python3.7

  • pip3

  • The Python3 libraries toml, mock, and responses (pip3 install toml mock responses)

After installing these dependencies, we suggest fetching the latest copy of the KubOS source repo:

$ git clone

After fetching the KubOS source repo, we suggest installing the Python app-api, which is used in developing Python-based applications:

$ pushd kubos/apis/app-api/python && pip3 install . --user && popd

We also suggest installing the Python kubos-service library, which is used in developing Python-based services:

$ pushd kubos/libs/kubos-service && pip3 install . --user && popd

After installing all of these dependencies, we suggest running the following script from the base of the kubos repo to verify everything is installed correctly and working:

$ ./tools/

Next Steps

Now that your environment is set up, you can get started developing your first KubOS project.

We recommend that you look at the following documents next: