Upgrading Your Kubos Development Environment ============================================ New updates will be announced to the Kubos community and the new releases will be published through GitHub. There will may instructions depending on the specific release details of all the steps needed to upgrade for the newest release. Upgrading the Vagrant Box ------------------------- Occasionally there will be an update or addition to one of the components of the Vagrant environment. When any of these components is changes we will package and release a new version of the `kubos-dev` box. If there's a new version of the box available you will see something similar to the following when you start the box: :: $ vagrant up ... ==> default: A newer version of the box 'kubos/kubos-dev' is available! You currently ==> default: have version '0.2.2'. The latest is version '0.2.3'. Run ==> default: `vagrant box update` to update. ... To manually check if your box is up-to-date you can run: :: $ vagrant box outdated .. warning:: Updating your box will overwrite the filesystem inside the environment. Moving projects into synced folders prevents them from being overwritten since their actual location is external to the box. For more information on setting up synced folders see the :ref:`mount-directory` section. To update the box run: :: $ vagrant box update $ vagrant destroy $ vagrant up .. note:: ``vagrant destroy`` must be used if you want your current box to be updated to use the new version.