use failure::{bail, Error};
use kubos_service::{process_errors, push_err, run};
use log::info;
use mai400_api::*;
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
use std::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, Sender, TryRecvError};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread::{sleep, spawn};
use std::time::Duration;
use crate::objects::*;
pub struct ReadData {
pub std_telem: Mutex<StandardTelemetry>,
pub irehs_telem: Mutex<IREHSTelemetry>,
pub imu: Mutex<RawIMU>,
pub rotating: Mutex<RotatingTelemetry>,
impl ReadData {
pub fn new() -> ReadData {
ReadData {
std_telem: Mutex::new(StandardTelemetry::default()),
irehs_telem: Mutex::new(IREHSTelemetry::default()),
imu: Mutex::new(RawIMU::default()),
rotating: Mutex::new(RotatingTelemetry::default()),
pub fn update_std(&self, telem: StandardTelemetry) {
let mut local = self.std_telem.lock().unwrap();
*local = telem.clone();
let mut local = self.rotating.lock().unwrap();
pub fn update_irehs(&self, irehs: IREHSTelemetry) {
let mut local = self.irehs_telem.lock().unwrap();
*local = irehs;
pub fn update_imu(&self, imu: RawIMU) {
let mut local = self.imu.lock().unwrap();
*local = imu;
pub fn read_thread(mai: MAI400, data: Arc<ReadData>, sender: Sender<String>) {
let mut err_count = 0;
loop {
let (std, imu, irehs) = match mai.get_message() {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(err) => {
match err {
MAIError::UartError { cause } => {
if err_count > 10 {
"UartError: {:?}. Read thread bailing. Service restart required.",
err_count += 1;
_ => {
"Unexpected read errors encountered: {}. Service restart required.",
(None, None, None)
if let Some(telem) = std {
if let Some(telem) = imu {
if let Some(telem) = irehs {
pub struct Subsystem {
pub mai: MAI400,
pub last_cmd: Cell<AckCommand>,
pub errors: RefCell<Vec<String>>,
pub persistent: Arc<ReadData>,
pub receiver: Receiver<String>,
impl Subsystem {
pub fn new(bus: &'static str, data: Arc<ReadData>) -> MAIResult<Subsystem> {
let mai = MAI400::new(bus)?;
let data_ref = data.clone();
let mai_ref = mai.clone();
let (sender, receiver) = channel();
spawn(move || read_thread(mai_ref, data_ref, sender));
info!("Kubos MAI-400 service started");
Ok(Subsystem {
last_cmd: Cell::new(AckCommand::None),
errors: RefCell::new(vec![]),
persistent: data.clone(),
pub fn get_read_health(&self) {
match self.receiver.try_recv() {
Ok(msg) => {
push_err!(self.errors, msg);
while let Ok(err) = self.receiver.try_recv() {
push_err!(self.errors, err);
Err(err) => match err {
TryRecvError::Empty => {}
TryRecvError::Disconnected => {
"Read thread panicked. Service restart required.".to_owned()
pub fn get_power(&self) -> Result<GetPowerResponse, Error> {
let old_ctr = { self.persistent.std_telem.lock().unwrap().tlm_counter };
let new_ctr = { self.persistent.std_telem.lock().unwrap().tlm_counter };
let (state, uptime) = match new_ctr != old_ctr {
true => (
self.persistent.std_telem.lock().unwrap().cmd_valid_cntr as i32,
false => (PowerState::Off, 0),
Ok(GetPowerResponse { state, uptime })
pub fn get_telemetry(&self) -> Result<Telemetry, Error> {
Ok(Telemetry {
nominal: StdTelem(self.persistent.std_telem.lock().unwrap().clone()),
debug: TelemetryDebug {
irehs: IREHSTelem(self.persistent.irehs_telem.lock().unwrap().clone()),
raw_imu: RawIMUTelem(self.persistent.imu.lock().unwrap().clone()),
rotating: Rotating(self.persistent.rotating.lock().unwrap().clone()),
pub fn get_test_results(&self) -> Result<IntegrationTestResults, Error> {
Ok(IntegrationTestResults {
success: true,
errors: "".to_owned(),
telemetry_nominal: StdTelem(self.persistent.std_telem.lock().unwrap().clone()),
telemetry_debug: TelemetryDebug {
irehs: IREHSTelem(self.persistent.irehs_telem.lock().unwrap().clone()),
raw_imu: RawIMUTelem(self.persistent.imu.lock().unwrap().clone()),
rotating: Rotating(self.persistent.rotating.lock().unwrap().clone()),
pub fn get_mode(&self) -> Result<Mode, Error> {
let raw = match self.persistent.std_telem.lock() {
Ok(telem) => telem.acs_mode,
_ => 0xFF,
pub fn get_spin(&self) -> Result<Spin, Error> {
let rotating = self.persistent.rotating.lock().unwrap();
Ok(Spin {
x: rotating.k_bdot[0] as f64,
y: rotating.k_bdot[1] as f64,
z: rotating.k_bdot[2] as f64,
pub fn noop(&self) -> Result<GenericResponse, Error> {
let old_ctr = { self.persistent.std_telem.lock().unwrap().tlm_counter };
let new_ctr = { self.persistent.std_telem.lock().unwrap().tlm_counter };
let (success, errors) = match new_ctr != old_ctr {
true => (true, "".to_owned()),
false => {
"Noop: Unable to communicate with MAI400".to_owned()
(false, "Unable to communicate with MAI400".to_owned())
Ok(GenericResponse { success, errors })
pub fn control_power(&self, state: PowerState) -> Result<ControlPowerResponse, Error> {
match state {
PowerState::Reset => {
let result = run!(self.mai.reset(), self.errors);
Ok(ControlPowerResponse {
power: state,
success: result.is_ok(),
errors: match result {
Ok(_) => "".to_owned(),
Err(err) => err,
_ => {
push_err!(self.errors, "controlPower: Invalid power state".to_owned());
Ok(ControlPowerResponse {
power: state,
errors: String::from("Invalid power state"),
success: false,
pub fn passthrough(&self, command: String) -> Result<GenericResponse, Error> {
let tx: Vec<u8> = command
.map(|chunk| u8::from_str_radix(::std::str::from_utf8(chunk).unwrap(), 16).unwrap())
let result = run!(self.mai.passthrough(tx.as_slice()), self.errors);
Ok(GenericResponse {
success: result.is_ok(),
errors: match result {
Ok(_) => "".to_owned(),
Err(err) => err,
pub fn set_mode(&self, mode: u8, qbi_cmd: Vec<i32>) -> Result<GenericResponse, Error> {
if qbi_cmd.len() != 4 {
bail!("qbi_cmd must contain exactly 4 elements");
let result = run!(
qbi_cmd[0] as i16,
qbi_cmd[1] as i16,
qbi_cmd[2] as i16,
qbi_cmd[3] as i16,
Ok(GenericResponse {
success: result.is_ok(),
errors: match result {
Ok(_) => "".to_owned(),
Err(err) => err,
pub fn set_mode_sun(
mode: u8,
sun_angle_enable: i16,
sun_rot_angle: f32,
) -> Result<GenericResponse, Error> {
let result = run!(
self.mai.set_mode_sun(mode, sun_angle_enable, sun_rot_angle),
Ok(GenericResponse {
success: result.is_ok(),
errors: match result {
Ok(_) => "".to_owned(),
Err(err) => err,
pub fn update(
gps_time: Option<i32>,
rv: Option<RVInput>,
) -> Result<GenericResponse, Error> {
let mut success = true;
let mut errors = "".to_owned();
if let Some(time) = gps_time {
let result = run!(self.mai.set_gps_time(time as u32), self.errors);
success &= result.is_ok();
if let Err(err) = result {
errors.push_str(&format!("update(gpsTime): {}", err));
if let Some(params) = rv {
if params.eci_pos.len() != 3 {
bail!("eci_pos must contain exactly 3 elements");
if params.eci_vel.len() != 3 {
bail!("eci_vel must contain exactly 3 elements");
let result = run!(
params.eci_pos[0] as f32,
params.eci_pos[1] as f32,
params.eci_pos[2] as f32,
params.eci_vel[0] as f32,
params.eci_vel[1] as f32,
params.eci_vel[2] as f32,
params.time_epoch as u32,
success &= result.is_ok();
if let Err(err) = result {
if !errors.is_empty() {
errors.push_str(", ");
errors.push_str(&format!("update(rv): {}", err));
Ok(GenericResponse { success, errors })