Tutorials ========= Kubos users develop custom flight software for their OBCs using the :doc:`Kubos SDK <../sdk-docs/index>`. This custom software is then used to communicate with the various :doc:`core <../services/core-services>` and :doc:`hardware <../services/hardware-services>` services in order to interact with the system and execute mission logic. .. uml:: @startuml left to right direction actor User folder "Kubos SDK" { [kubos-proj1] as proj1 [kubos-proj2] as proj2 } node "OBC - KubOS" { frame "App Registry" { cloud "kubos-proj2" as application cloud "App1" cloud "App2" } rectangle "Process Monitor Service" as monitor rectangle "Telemetry Database Service" as telemdb rectangle "Hardware Service #1" as hw1 } User -> proj1 proj2 -> application User -> proj2 application ..> monitor application ..> telemdb application ..> hw1 @enduml This series of tutorials will walk a new user through the major steps required to program a mission and then communicate with a system once it is in-flight. Mission Development Tutorials ----------------------------- After the completion of these tutorials, the user will have created a mission application capable of querying their hardware for telemetry data and then storing that data into the telemetry database. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Installing the Kubos SDK <../installation-docs/sdk-installing> Creating Your First KubOS Project Creating Your First Mission Application System Interaction Tutorials ---------------------------- These tutorials cover all of the ways a user might directly interact with a system from the ground. There is no coding required for these actions, however some scripting may used for example purposes. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Registering an Application Transferring Files Querying the System Creating a Shell Connection Advanced Tutorials ------------------ Important system tutorials which should be approached after mastering basic system interaction. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Creating Your Communications Service Other Resources --------------- These other docs give more information about various components of KubOS and the Kubos SDK: - :doc:`KubOS Architecture Overview <../architecture-overview>` - :doc:`Using Rust with the Kubos SDK <../sdk-docs/sdk-rust>` - :doc:`Kubos Services <../services/index>` - :doc:`Mission Application Development Guide <../app-docs/app-guide>` - :doc:`Deployment Application Guide <../app-docs/deployment>`