Kubos SDK Docs ============== The "Kubos SDK" is a term used to describe all of the components used to build Kubos projects: - Vagrant box - The VM that contains the "ready to run" Kubos development environment - Kubos CLI - The command-line tool used to create, configure, build, and debug Kubos projects - Kubos source modules - the underlying libraries on which Kubos projects are built .. uml:: @startuml left to right direction actor User node "Kubos SDK" as sdk{ () "kubos init" as init folder "kubos-proj" as proj { folder source { } () "kubos build" as build [binary] } folder "Kubos Source" as k_source { } } () "kubos flash" as flash node "OBC - Kubos Linux" { cloud "kubos-proj" as application cloud "App1" cloud "App2" } User -> sdk : vagrant ssh init -> proj k_source -> build build <- source [binary] <- build [binary] -> flash flash -> application @enduml This documentation section contains the various guides related to using the Kubos SDK: - :doc:`../installation-docs/sdk-installing` - How to install the SDK onto your host machine - :doc:`sdk-examples` - A list of example projects using the SDK - :doc:`sdk-project-config` - How to configure a Kubos project's settings, dependencies, and underlying hardware information - :doc:`sdk-cheatsheet` - A quick guide for the most common SDK tasks - :doc:`sdk-reference` - The full list of Kubos CLI commands - :doc:`sdk-rust` - How to develop and run Kubos projects using Rust - :doc:`sdk-python` - How to develop and run Kubos projects using Python - :doc:`windows-dev-environment` - How to develop Kubos projects from a Windows-based host computer - :doc:`sdk-upgrading` - How to upgrade to the latest version of the Kubos SDK .. toctree:: :hidden: ../installation-docs/sdk-installing sdk-examples sdk-project-config sdk-cheatsheet sdk-reference sdk-rust sdk-python windows-dev-environment Upgrading Kubos SDK