Kubos Contribution Process

This is the workflow you should go through in order to create and complete a task to contribute to the KubOS project

Sign the CLA

All contributors must sign the Kubos Contributor License Agreement before their changes can be merged into the main codebase.

The Kubos CLA can be found here.

Create an Issue

Everything you work on should have a corresponding JIRA issue. Community members might not have access to JIRA and should then create a Github issue instead.

If one doesn’t exist, you should create it.

If you want to create an issue but not immediately work on it, the description field should be an in-depth summary of the problem/feature and what needs to be changed. Ideally, you, or whoever works the issue, should be able to read the description and understand what work needs to be done without talking to whoever created the issue (though talking to the creator is still recommended in order to make sure that the requirements are well understood and haven’t changed since the issue was created).


  • Click the ‘Create’ button at the top of the JIRA page
  • Project should be ‘Kubos’
  • Issue type should be ‘Story’ or ‘Bug’
    • A story is something to be added or updated within the project
    • A bug is something that is broken within the project
  • The summary should be a short description of what’s being changed
  • The ‘Component/s’ field should be updated, if possible, to list the related area/s affected by this issue.
  • The description should go into more detail about what the problem/feature is and what needs to be done in order to complete the task.
  • If you’re creating a bug, update the ‘Affects Version/s’ field to document the oldest affected version of the project


  • Navigate to the repo you’d like to open an issue against (most likely kubostech/kubos)
  • Click the ‘Issues’ tab
  • Click the ‘New Issue’ button
  • The title should be a descriptive overview of the problem
  • The description should go into more detail about what the problem/feature is and what needs to be done in order to complete the task.
  • Click the ‘Labels’ link and add a tag for ‘Bug’ or ‘Enhancement’ depending on what kind of work should be done

Mark the Issue as ‘In Progress’

In order to track what’s being worked on and by whom, for every issue you work you should:

  • JIRA: Drag the issue from the backlog into the sprint (if it’s not already present)

  • Assign it to yourself

    • Click the issue
    • JIRA: Under ‘People’>’Assignee’, click ‘Assign to me’
    • Github: Click the ‘Assignees’ link and select yourself
  • Mark the issue as ‘In Progress’.

    • JIRA: There are two ways
    • From the full issue description page, click the ‘In Progress’ button
    • From the ‘Active Sprints’ page, drag the issue from the ‘To-Do’ column into the ‘In Progress’ column
    • Github: Edit the title of the project and add “[WIP]”

Create a Branch of the Code You Want to Work On

All code changes should initially be made in a branch of the relavent Kubos repo either in the main repo, or in a personal copy (if you don’t have access) and then be submitted against the master branch as a pull request:

To create your own repo:

  • Navigate to the github page of the main code that you want to work on. For example, https://github.com/kubostech/kubos.

  • Click the ‘Fork’ button in the upper right-hand corner.

  • If you see a dialog ‘Where should we fork this repository?’, click the icon with your username.

  • Within your development environment, create a link to your new remote repository:

    $ git remote add {remote name you create} {personal repo url}

Clone the repo that you want to modify onto your local machine

$ git clone http://github.com/kubostech/kubos

Move into the repo folder

$ cd kubos

Create a local branch to make your changes

$ git checkout -b {local branch name you create}

Make Your Changes

The code. Write it. Test it.

The Kubos Standards doc has some basic naming and coding standards that should be adhered to. When in doubt, try to match the styling of the surrounding code.

Update any documentation areas that are affected by your changes. For instance, if you found that a uart configuration option was not available for a certain board type, you would edit kubos-hal/kubos-hal/uart.h in the appropriate comment section with a new note about the unsupported option.

  • If you want to test your documentation changes:
    • Run the command ‘doxygen Doxyfile’ from the project folder with the new documentation to regenerate the html documentation
    • Open up {project}/html/index.html in a web browser
    • Browse to your doc updates to verify

Add or update any unit tests that are affected by your changes. For instance, if support for i2c slave mode is added for the STM32F4 board, then the kubos-hal-stm32f4/test/i2c.c file’s test_i2c_slave test case should be updated to test the successful execution of the board in slave mode.

Commit your changes and push to your remote branch (the branch will be created automatically if it doesn’t exist):

$ git add {files you changed}
$ git commit -m "Descriptive message about the changes you made"
$ git push {remote name} {local branch name}

If you’re committing against a kubostech repo, then the remote name will likely be “origin”. If you’re committing against your personal fork, then the remote name will match what you specified in the git remote add command.

Commit early, commit often

Create a Pull Request

At some point, you’ll want to create a pull request so that your changes can be merged into the main repo’s master branch. You will need to create a pull request for each repository you are making changes to.

From the github page for the repository that contains the changes you want to merge:

  • Click the ‘Branch:’ dropdown on the left-hand side and select the local branch containing your changes
  • Click the ‘New pull request’ button
  • The title of the pull request should be the JIRA issue number followed by a descriptive title
    • Ex. KUBOS-111 Adding i2c slave mode for STM32F4
  • In the description field, add a small summary of the changes you made. The title should have indicated the bulk of the changes you made, but it’s also good to mention things like documentation updates and any miscellaneous changes that were made (for example, fixing any bugs that you ran into while working on your code changes).
  • Click ‘Create pull request’

If you’d like specific people to review your code, you can either mention them in the description with an @{name} tag, or by adding them to the ‘Reviewers’ list.

You a welcome to create a pull request before your changes are entirely complete. Creating a pull request early in the code-creation process allows others to see what changes are being made and answer questions or offer architectural suggestions. If you do create a pull request before you are done making changes, add “[WIP]” to the pull request’s title. Remove the “[WIP]” once all code changes have been completed and the PR is officially ready for review.

Merge in New Changes From Master

After submitting your pull request, you may find that github has flagged one or more files as being in conflict with the current version of the file in the master branch. This means that someone else has committed code in the same file and similar area as you and your changes can’t be automatically merged.

In order to resolve the conflict, execute the following steps within your development environment:

Merge the master branch into your local branch

$ git checkout origin/master
$ git pull origin master
$ git checkout {local branch where your changes are}
$ git merge origin/master

Git will edit any files with conflicts. Conflicts will look like this:

    New local changes
    New master changes

Edit the files to resolve the conflicts. Push the resolved changed to your remote repo

$ git add {fixed files}
$ git commit
$ git push {remote name} {local branch name}

If you navigate to your pull request, you should now see that github says “This branch has no conflicts with the base branch”, indicating that the changes okay to merge (pending pull request approval).

Wait for Pull Request Approval

Move the JIRA issue to ‘Reviewing’ to indicate that the work is done, pending approval.

Once your pull request has been submitted, it must be approved by at least one person before the request can be merged into the master branch. Once it has been approved, you can go to your pull request page and then click the ‘Merge’ button.

Note: If your changes have been approved, but you don’t see a ‘Merge’ button, you likely don’t have permission to merge for that project. Talk to Ryan Plauche (ryan@kubos.co).

In all likelyhood, you’ll need to make changes to your code before your pull request can be merged. Make the changes in your local development environment and then commit and push them into your remote repo. As long as you’re still using the same local branch, these new changes will be automatically added to your existing pull request.

Mark the Issue as ‘Done’

Before you mark the issue as done, verify the following:

  • All features listed in the issue have been completed
  • All relevant documentation changes have been made
  • All relevant unit tests have been created or updated
  • All code changes and related code have been tested
  • All pull requests related to the issue have been approved and merged

Update the issue’s ‘Fix version’ field to reflect the version that these changes are being implemented in.

Once all of the work for the issue has been completed, you can mark the issue as Done in one of two ways: - From the full issue description page, click the ‘Done’ button - From the ‘Kanban Board’ page, drag the issue from the ‘Reviewing’ column into the ‘Done’ column