Go to the documentation of this file.
KUART * kprv_uart_get(KUARTNum uart)
Returns uart data structure for specified interface.
KStopBits stop_bits
The number of stop bits at the end of each transmit/receive of the uart bus.
Definition: uart.h:172
Definition: uart.h:114
Definition: uart.h:96
Definition: uart.h:141
Definition: uart.h:140
int k_uart_write(KUARTNum uart, char *ptr, int len)
Interrupt driven function for writing data to a uart interface.
Definition: uart.h:116
KUARTStatus k_uart_write_immediate(KUARTNum uart, char c)
Write data directly to a uart interface.
Definition: uart.h:93
Definition: uart.h:99
Definition: uart.h:143
Definition: uart.h:90
Definition: uart.h:123
Definition: uart.h:132
Definition: uart.h:131
Definition: uart.h:105
uint8_t tx_queue_len
The size of the queue for outgoing messages.
Definition: uart.h:185
Definition: uart.h:142
KUARTStatus kprv_uart_dev_init(KUARTNum uart)
Performs low level uart hardware initialization.
Definition: uart.h:115
void kprv_uart_dev_terminate(KUARTNum uart)
Definition: uart.h:102
Definition: uart.h:133
Definition: uart.h:124
uint8_t rx_queue_len
The size of the queue for incoming messages.
Definition: uart.h:181
int k_uart_read(KUARTNum uart, char *ptr, int len)
Interrupt driven function for reading data from a uart interface.
int k_uart_rx_queue_len(KUARTNum uart)
Returns the number of characters currently in the uart rx queue.
KUARTStatus k_uart_write_immediate_str(KUARTNum uart, uint8_t *ptr, uint8_t len)
Write data directly to a uart interface.
KParity parity
The presence and state of the parity bit in each transmit/receive of the uart bus.
Definition: uart.h:177
KWordLen word_len
The number of data bits in each transmit/receive of the uart bus.
Definition: uart.h:167
KUARTConf k_uart_conf_defaults(void)
Generate KUARTConf with default uart values.
void k_uart_rx_queue_push(KUARTNum uart, char c, void *task_woken)
Pushes a character into the uart rx queue.